Ordering Code:200045918
Mfr Code:TKT634
- Liquid reagents
- Liquid to Liquid Comparator (Slide style with 9 color standards)
- Reagents color-coded to instructions
- Waterproof instructions
- Treatment charts
- 2004B chemistry guide
- Electronic Watergram
- Large-size reagents
- ***TESTS***
- Total Chlorine
- Free Chlorine
- pH
- Acid Demand
- Base Demand
- Total Alkalinity
- Calcium Hardness
- Total Hardness
- Cyanuric Acid
- Copper
- Iron
Taylor's Professional Complete kit provides the pool professional a portable lab which can be used any time. Slide comparator with liquid color standards, allow precise determinations of pH, sanitizer, iron and copper levels, while simple drop titrations are used for acid and base demand, total alkalinity and hardness analyses. Kit includes the booklet "Pool & Spa Chemistry, a Testing & Treatment Guide with Tables" and the Watergram, a slide wheel which correlates pH, temperature, calcium hardness and total alkalinity for balanced water.